About Medical Mishaps
Medical Mishaps quickly assists callers to determine the likelihood of a successful Medical Negligence claim.
Our staff are trained to ask the most appropriate questions and assist you in making the most appropriate next move.
Health Professionals are bound under Common Law Duty to take reasonable care and any breach of that care could give rise to a claim.
Medical Mishaps is an assessment service provided to potential victims of a breach of that Duty of Care.
Medical Mishaps has staff who have had considerable years of experience working in professional injury and medical negligence.
Let one of our staff walk you through your options.
Ring us now on: 02 6247 7492
Email: enquiries@medicalmishaps.com.au
Our staff are trained to ask the most appropriate questions and assist you in making the most appropriate next move.
Health Professionals are bound under Common Law Duty to take reasonable care and any breach of that care could give rise to a claim.
Medical Mishaps is an assessment service provided to potential victims of a breach of that Duty of Care.
Medical Mishaps has staff who have had considerable years of experience working in professional injury and medical negligence.
Let one of our staff walk you through your options.
Ring us now on: 02 6247 7492
Email: enquiries@medicalmishaps.com.au